Austin Manual Therapy

Resistance Training Assessment

How Resistance Training Can Help You Become Healthier and Stronger

Everyone desires to be healthier, stronger, and more active. This may feel difficult to accomplish sometimes due to pain, injuries, or poor diets. Pain increases undesirable chemicals in your body that cause stress, creating a challenge when it comes to exercise. All of this also affects your endocrine system, which regulates your hormones and controls almost everything happening in your body.

Fortunately, resistance training exercises can effectively ease your pain while simultaneously strengthening the affected part(s) of your body. Our highly trained Austin, TX physical therapists can create a personalized resistance training plan for your needs and goals. They have the right knowledge and the time to listen, evaluate, and guide you toward a pain-free, stronger, and healthier lifestyle. Request an appointment with Austin Manual Therapy Associates today to learn more and start a new chapter on a healthier you!

Strength and flexibility

There are approximately 642 skeletal muscles in the body. This means that your strength and flexibility play an important role in your health. Your muscles not only help you move, but they support your circulatory and breathing systems. A stronger and more flexible you means a healthier you. Relieving joint or muscle pain and guiding you on proper strength training exercises are integral parts of our specialized physical therapy treatments.

Resistance training helps in building muscle mass, and it is typically the final step in a rehabilitation treatment process. Whether you are recovering from an injury or underlying condition that is causing you pain, resistance training will help you get back to your optimum physical performance.

What does it take to be healthier?

Health is a relative term. It means that your body is operating at a high normal range in all the different systems from circulation, breathing, digestion, and more. Anything you can do to help your body achieve more of an ideal state is a step towards a healthier you.

At Austin Manual Therapy Associates, our resistance training programs will get you back on track to living a happy and healthy lifestyle. Our physical therapists will design a treatment plan with the best exercises for an effective and speedy recovery.

These exercises will be dependent upon which part(s) of your body are in need of strengthening. This may include body weight exercises (such as squats, push-ups, or planks) or exercises using additional tools (such as barbells, resistance bands, exercise balls, or hand weights).

7 tips for a healthier, stronger, and more active you:

Resistance training is an important part of reaching your peak physical potential, but there are other health and wellness techniques to keep in mind while you’re doing so:

1. Limit your sitting

By completing a pre-hab program before your surgery, your recovery should go much smoother than it would without physical therapy treatments. Having strong and toned muscles before surgery helps you get back to your regular routine much quicker.

2. Get up and move

Exercise regularly, even if it’s just walking for a short time every day. Moving will help keep your muscles loose and will avoid losing their strength.

3. Nutrition and portion control

Keep your intake of food nutritious, at a comfortable level. Fueling your body with the correct foods will increase your energy and make it easier to exercise.

4. Drink more water

Water keeps your body systems functioning at their optimum levels. This will also make exercise (and muscle recovery!) much easier.

5. Breathe

Work on your deep breathing techniques to increase oxygen intake and get your lymphatic system moving.

6. Get enough sleep

Sleep at least 8 hours a day. It is best to get into a routine so you go to bed and wake up on a regular cycle. This helps your endocrine system, which controls several aspects of your body.

7. Take care of aches and pains

Don’t let any long-term problems linger. Get professional help at Austin Manual Therapy Associates at Austin, TX by scheduling an appointment today!



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